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Maria Margherita Glørstad

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 18.33.01.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 18.32.31.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 18.33.24.
Don’t let yourself be seduced by this beautiful Norwegian. Falling for her would in truth mean falling for a fiery and merciless Italian. A powerful mafia boss who has greatly expanded her organization in her host country, she can also be kind and discreet… if you’re an ally of hers, for whom she can also make a delicious apple pie. She has been wanted for 6 months since her far-from inconspicuous escape from Alcatraz. This grand traveller has outsmarted her jailers during her daily walk, and reached the shore thanks to her gift for running and climbing, which she regularly practiced during lockup.

vIRGILE Bardèche 

Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.56.07.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.56.30.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.56.18.
Locked up in maximum security for his delirious behavior putting him at the maturity level of a newborn and numerous quarrels he provoked due to losses in chess, Virgile Bardèche is currently on the most wanted list. His distinguished sense of orientation he acquired as an experienced freeride skier allowed him to escape the hostile environment, all without excessive violence. His unsuspected yet incredible judo skills hadn’t been mentioned in his dossier, which made for far too few guards, he very easily handled them before escaping with his victims’ security codes.
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Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.18.05.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 20.27.14.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.18.16.
Raised in a family of environmental NGO activists, Elsa didn’t take long to radicalize and take part in the most extreme movements to combat climate change. Her arrest was a challenge for the police because of her insane agility she’d developed playing football. As a lifelong girl scout, this criminal lived in tents and evaded law enforcement with her excellent camouflage skills. Autonomous but sociable while in prison, no one really knows why she wanted to get out so urgently. The police didn’t stand a chance of catching her once she got on her tuc-tuc that she’d become an expert at driving during her childhood in Thailand.


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Alexandre Mayor

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.20.42.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.20.32.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.20.20.
After a spectacular ski chase, Alexandre was finally arrested by one of his native countries, Denmark’s, special forces for money laundering and embezzlement. Tortured to find his accomplices, not even the best managed to get even a sliver of information from the most impassive of prisoners. He undoubtedly could have escaped on the very first day, but his loyalty led him to wait for his accomplices who had also been imprisoned. Being at the head of the prison’s black market, he had every person who could stop his escape on his payroll. Escaping through the front door, he even had the kindness to leave a tip for his jailers

Aliette De Cacqueray

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.08.05.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.07.46.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.08.31.
Having spent her entire education in English establishments, Aliette was a most distinguished prisoner. Reclusive, the guards thought she spent her days drawing and dreaming of her previous travels. In truth, the ingenious “de Cacq” was preparing her escape. She surprised her cell guards by striking their necks, something she learned during her years spent playing football and hockey. She then slithered through the bars thanks to the flexibility she had acquired through dance and gymnastics. She finally joined the raft prepared by her four sisters thanks to her incredible swimming skills.

Hugo Bensmaïl

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.23.46.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.23.18.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 19.23.35.
December 2020, Reims. Riots all over the city. Overwhelmed, the authorities don’t realize that during the unrest, the bank had been robbed. Going through the tunnels and following the money, it’s only 3 weeks later that, during a brawl in front of the Atrium, that they get their hands on the mastermind. The thief? A certain Hugo. A fine schemer, he had fueled the flames of conflict between gangs in the Grand-Est region for months, and used the ensuing chaos to his advantage. Imprisoned with a strangely calm demeanor, he used the same plan to escape. Lover of football, but even more of leisure, he organised a match of football in the courtyard between prisoners from rival gangs. In the turmoil that followed, he was easily able to use the tunnels he had been digging for months to get him and his inmates out. Hugo doesn’t make the same mistake twice, though, and immediately afterwards refilled the tunnels.


Manaia Matafeo

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.14.23.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.14.37.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.14.09.
His friendliness and loyalty have led him straight behind bars. Otherwise an exemplary citizen, he had to succumb to the darkness to help a friend. Known for his joie de vivre and love for freedom and pleasure, he could no longer bear the confinement and distance from his native New Zealand, his family and his women. This joyful yet imposing man managed to persuade one of his cellmates to plan an escape in his image: simple yet efficient. Using pillows from his loyal friends to form the illusion of a body under his sheets, he duped the guards and made his great escape thanks to the antiquity of the facility.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.16.44.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.16.56.

Charlotte Rubellin

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.17.06.
She has always had a dual personality and many facets so that no one ever suspected that she was actually one of the most important gang leaders in the Corrèze, the region where she grew up and made a name for herself. Busy importing and exporting merchandise of varying nature and legality, she did not expect to be betrayed by one of her closest collaborators who was trying to take her place. The impulsiveness and impatience she had shown in her early childhood had fortunately been replaced by reflection and self-sacrifice during her intensive practice of krav-maga with international senators. For many years she behaved like a wise child and gained sympathy and a form of admiration from her guardians. When the time came, therefore, she had no difficulty in finding herself in the most propitious situation, a visit to the parlour, to escape by executing the only man who served as her guardian and fleeing with the help of her lifelong companion, her grandmother, the central figure in her life. No one knows today where her escape has led her, but her business is flourishing
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Élise Gracy

Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.55.23.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.55.40.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-12 à 21.55.53.
A beautiful orator, sporting her trademark black outfits in all circumstances. Elise is first and foremost the greatest con artist the 21st century has ever known. Her victims are often under her spell, her favourite prey being Italians and Scandinavians. Paradoxical, you say? Far from corresponding to the standard clichés of the seductress, Elise was for a long time a tomboy, brought up in the bosom of two much older brothers. Far from mastering the British phlegm, this electric volleyball player is like a lioness in a cage behind bars. Ready to fight for the slightest glance, the prison management decided to transfer her to another prison with a higher level of security. It was during her transfer that she escaped after seducing the driver of the van that would transfer her. Sarcastic as ever, she then sent her handcuffs and orange uniform back to the prison.

Aymane Benbrahim

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.15.16.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 18.19.02.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.15.03.
A discreet but influential man, Aymane has for years been building a mafia network for years in his city of birth and heart : Casablanca. Having expanded his network internationally, Aymane is listed under the name he will proudly keep: the Vizier de l'Ombre (Vizier of the Shadow). While he orders the dismantling of a rival Berber network in the south of Morocco, his homeland, Aymane is exposed by a mole ("Moul Detail", spies of Moroccan elites) to the authorities. Direction the "Hebs" of Alcatr'As. As a football player in a club in his youth, our Vizier observes far from his cell, Hugo " Le Stratège " organise Leisure Football matches. Aymane starts looking for the best football players in Alcatr'As and founds the Football Competition, its these matches which allow him to gain the respect of the prison staff. To this day, we don't know how and when he got out of the "Hebs", but his discretion and his henchmen are surely involved. All we found was a piece of paper in his cell with the entries:
الشخص الذي ليس له أصدقاء ليس رجلا
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Cassiopée Belangere

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.17.22.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.17.33.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.19.36.
Having been wanted for several years after being identified as the most prolific con artist of all time, Cassie was finally arrested just over a year ago in a secluded region forgotten by most: the Ardèche. Captive in the max-security department, the guards didn’t think she would take imprisonment so badly. After all, compared to the Ardèche, even top-security prisons allowed for more social interaction. Originally from Paris, though, she wasn’t able to resign herself to spending her time doing nothing, and was beginning to be bored. The Ardèche was but a place of residence, Cassie actually spent the majority of her time between her high school in Aix en Provence and Paris, where her family and her childhood friends were. Using her high school military knowledge and her unfailing perseverance, imitating Spaggiari’s crew, former parachutists in Vietnam seen in class, she used an interview with the judge to get out of the office through the window, thereby starting her escape.

Daniel Oliver de la Rubia

Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 10.22.54.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 10.22.39.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 10.23.13.
Daniel is the kind of guy whose guilt you would never suspect, and much less his dangerousness. Pro footballer since his he’s 16 and beloved by his teammates, he was unexpectedly arrested for tax evasion. Being unknown by the authorities and to accelerate the judicial process, no investigation into the personality of this dangerous criminal was made. Daniel was thus put in the laxest part of the prison. Daniel remained discrete for long enough to gain his guards’ sympathy. A calm spring night, he finally took action. His many years of muay thai, MMA, Jiujitsu and kickboxing facilitated his quick return to his hometown of Granada, in the south of Spain.

Arnaud Birota

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.17.59.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.18.12.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.18.31.
Arrested for having seduced the daughter of the prefect of his native Reunion island, where he blossomed as a young man, Arnoud was locked up for life. He did not feel guilty for the crime, yet this grand charmer did not boast about it, as judo had taught him humility and respect for his adversaries. Far from being used to attention, his strong personality acquired through an education mixing a plurality of origins along with his need to see the world quickly led him to want to escape the bars holding him captive. Of all the sports he practices, basketball was the most useful for his escape. He used his high jump to climb the prison wall and in just a few minutes was free from the hellish prison.
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Sport on campus

Michelle Brucker

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.13.37.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.13.55.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.13.21.
Arrested and imprisoned for the suspicion of being a Serbian insurgent on American soil, this lover of nature and justice could not tolerate being the victim of a judicial error, and who could blame her? Deprived of her greatest passion, the one thing that makes her go wild, chocolate, she couldn’t wait for her trial and decided to escape. This lover of yoga and surfing managed to return to her native California with all its nature that had been taken away from her by squeezing through the bars that had until then kept her captive.
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Lifestyle and wellbeing

Marguerite Joly

Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 11.23.05.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 11.22.52.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 11.23.20.
This philanthropist couldn’t bring herself to hurt anyone, yet had to find a way to escape to find her family again. Imprisoned along with one of her best friends Manaia, she couldn’t imagine leaving without one of her own. This patient yogi therefore came up with a most elaborate plan that only she could have pulled off. Ripping off parts of her sheets, she made new clothes to deceive the guards. She then managed to convince the guards that she wasn’t a prisoner but simply visiting the prison. She thus escaped without a hassle during visiting hours. She is said to have now returned to her passions of pastry and horse riding as a recluse, away from anything that could disturb her tranquility.
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Antoine Labeyrie

Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.16.30.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.14.52.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-10 à 23.16.15.
With a steely mind and a determined gaze, Antoine has never been a child at heart. No one knew why he was sent to this prison, yet the rigour he imposes on himself has always impressed his cell mates. The military family he grew up in inspired his team spirit and sense of loyalty. However, he has had to face more dangerous situations, especially when his goofy nature was ahead of him. To stay alive, he had to plan his escape. Strategist, no one blocked his way before the last grill where a guard tried to stop him quickly when he was knocked down by the man nicknamed "the ankle breaker" during his rugby 7s matches. Today we know that Tonio is enjoying peaceful days on the side of the Vendée occupied by hiking and surfing.

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